Minggu, 25 November 2018


How to manage your money as a student
                As a student you more need or your daily needs  ;  for high school. When your parents send money to you every month, you should manage it for daily needs if you do not want to think too much or shortage at the end of month. Such as, you should pay for something but you don’t have money to pay it. That just because you spend your money for what you want not what you need. Here is some ways to manage your money, such as you must notice your finances, you must understand what you want and what you need, save your money as well as you can, and bring your lunch from your boarding house.
                You must notice your finances, such as for hire, daily, needs, and etc. if you don’t notice, you will be easier to spend your money unless you realize what have been you bought for. While you have a notice for your finances you know for what your money, for what you spend your money, and for what you pay your money.
                Next, you must understand which what you want and you need. Such as, you want to buy a new phone cell because it has new innovations and filters.  Although, all you need right now are books. While it can you borrow from your senior, it uses until your study end and for the next study.
                Third, save your money as well as you can, it is very important because we don’t know the future. Unexpectedly, you must buy chloting  for you uniform organization  but you don’t want to ask to your parents because of another reasons for another need.
                Last, bring your lunch for escaped from flavouring which is not good for your health. Tyou make it by yourself and you know it’s  clean and  good for your health.
                In conclusion, to manage your money as a student are many ways. Such as, you must notice your finances, you must understand what you want and what you need, save your money as well as you can, and bring your lunch from your boarding house.

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