Jumat, 14 Desember 2018

Contoh essay comparison and contrast

Islamic Universities VS Common Universities
The Islamic universities and common universities are the same place to get knowledge after pass the senior high school. There are some differences between the Islamic universities and common universities, such as in Islamic universities we learn more religion than common universities, we read the al Quran first before starting the class.
In Islamic universities we learn the religion subjects more than common universities. In Islamic universities, besides there are some subjects about general knowledge there is also Islamic knowledge, such as Islamic education, leadership and practicing of Islamic, and Arabic. In Islamic universities with these subject can help the students improve Islam. Also, Islamic universities guide the students to be good Muslims. In contrast, in common universities, there is less or nothing of Islamic subject. We can see that there is equilibrium between Islam knowledge and general knowledge in the Islamic universities but in the common universities not.
Next, in Islamic universities, the students read the al Quran first before starting the class. It’s become a daily activity in Islamic universities. Every lecturer who comes into the class to teach the students, they will ask the students to read the al Quran first. Whereas in the common universities only learn directly unless reading the al Quran before starting the class.  
In spite of these differences, there is a similarity among Islamic universities and common universities.
In Islamic universities, the degree that we get is the same with common universities such as S.Pd if you are an educationist, S.E if you are an economist, and etc.
In conclusion, unlike common universities, the Islamic universities learn more about Islam, read the al Quran first before starting the class. Besides that, there is a similarity among Islamic universities and common universities such as the degree we get is the same.

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